Tag Archives: 4k

Our Favorite San Antonio Home Technology Designer


We have worked closely with home technology designer Tommy Moeller of At Home Concepts for years, and we think he’s one of the best in the business! Tommy, who has been doing this since ’06, provides a service that is becoming more and more valuable to our clients.

Tommy:  What we do primarily is work with home owners to integrate all the latest technology into their homes:  audio, video and/or networking. I’ve been working with Stone Creek since probably ’07 or ’08 and they’re a pleasure to work with. They’re very thorough, the communication is very good and they do a great job!

[Thank you, Tommy! We feel the same.]

According to Tommy, the best time to bring him on board is before the house is even built, and we agree on that point too.

Tommy: I find that the homes I’m involved in early on are more successful than the ones I get involved in at a later date because, by that point, the budgets are set. The earlier the better, so people have a clear picture of what they want to do in their home.

When working with us, Tommy meets with us and our clients at the contract stage to best integrate the design and determine the necessary budget. As a custom installer, Tommy has to tailor the integration and technology to the client’s needs.

Tommy: My job is to figure out what they like and what they want to do. At the initial meeting, we look at the floor plan, and I find out what they do in their current home. What do you do like? Do you listen to music a lot? Do you entertain?

Tommy is discovering that an increasing number of home owners are in tune with the modern technology available to them. Most projects are whole automation system setups that include smart technology that allows you to control your TV, HVAC, and security system via your iPad or iPhone. In this new age, there’s no need to watch TV with a remote in your hands anymore, but what about ease of use?

Tommy:  I get asked that question all time. If you can operate an app on an iPhone, you can operate the system – it’s as basic as you can get.

If you’re on the lookout for the latest and greatest technology, Tommy’s always in the know. The hot new item coming down the pipe is an ultra hi-definition 4k TV – that’s the same quality as what you see at the movie theaters. Tommy tells us they’re still working out the kinks on these TVs. One of the problems is that most homes don’t have the capability for it. No doubt they will soon!

If you want to bend Tommy’s ear about technology design, you can contact him through his website  or simply give us a call at 210-494-5400, and we’ll work together to bring your vision to life.

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