Tag Archives: passenger rail

San Antonio-Austin Passenger Rail Service

Many people are excited about what the new Lone Star passenger rail, that is set to run from San Antonio to Austin and beyond, will mean for the future of the Alamo city. This project, which has been a dream for so many for so long, can only mean opportunity, especially for people who prefer to live in the more family-friendly and affordable town of San Antonio, even if they work in Austin. So what’s the hold up?

If you haven’t heard anything for a while, it’s because the process seems to be a bit stalled, which might be attributed to political red tape. Although the Bexar County budget that included $500,000 for the Lone Star Rail District was approved, it seems that the SA City Council is still exploring the viability of the Lone Star Rail Service.

The commuter rail is intended to run from the south side of the city all the way to Georgetown with many stops in between and an express route that will run between San Antonio and Austin. Although some people believe the express-route equates to a high-speed rail, the fact of the matter is that the express-route will still take approximately an hour and 15 minutes. The goal, of course, is to reduce the traffic along I35. High-speed or not, it will still be quicker than you can travel by car on most days.

Although every other city (where the rail is set to stop) along the way has jumped on board the project, San Antonio has dug in its heels from the beginning. Approved or not, the 500k is only for planning. The proof in the pudding will be when the district releases the necessary construction funds. Hopefully, it’s not just a pipe dream. Some, like County Judge Nelson Wolff, feel we’re not any closer to getting on that rail than we were 10 years ago. However, others believe it’s simply a matter of time.

Lone Star posts public meetings and other current news on their site, so if this is something you’re passionate about, there’s no better time to get involved. Our opinion is, there’s no better time to build a new house. San Antonio is undoubtedly a city on the rise, and we like where it’s headed! (www.lonestarrail.com.)

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