Tag Archives: fireplace

Winterize Your Home


It may be Texas, but it’s still a smart idea to prepare your home for winter. Those who suffered through the hailstorm this last spring don’t need any reminders that sometimes the weather here can be unpredictable.

GUTTERS:  If you have gutters and downspouts you’ll want to make sure they’re cleared of debris. If they get clogged it can cause problems when it rains.

SPRINKLER SYSTEM:  Don’t forget to set your sprinkler timer to the rain or off mode for the season. It should retain your settings. However, do not unplug the timer or you will lose your programming.

FIREPLACE:  If you’re like most homes in South Texas, you don’t use your fireplace very often. Before using it, make sure to check that the chimney is clear of soot or creosote buildup and no little critters have set up house.

HEATER:  Time to test the heater, particularly since it hasn’t been run for 6 months. Turn the thermostat to heat mode and set at 80 degrees. The furnace should turn on and warm air should start blowing pretty quickly. Of course you probably know the drill, but it’s best to check it before you really need it. The only thing worse than no heater is no air conditioning! In truth, depending on how old your house is, it couldn’t hurt to have a professional check the system.

FILTER:  Replace that dirty furnace filter. Yup, it’s that easy. Oh, and don’t forget about your humidifier’s filter. Nobody wants dry, papery skin in the winter. Make sure your humidifier’s running at peak potential by cleaning the plates or pads.

STAY WARM:  Check for gaps and cracks around the window sills and doors. You’d be surprised how much you’ll save on your energy bill just by doing some basic weather-stripping and caulking.

FAUCETS:  Don’t forget the outdoor faucets or you could be in for a wild night. Make sure to close any shut-off valves serving outside faucets. Next, open the outside faucet to drain the line. There may be a small cap on the faucet you can loosen to assist the draining. If you don’t have shut-off valves, and the faucets are not freeze-proof, think about getting styrofoam faucet covers, which can be found at your neighborhood Home Depot or the like.

INSPECT DETECTORS:  While you’re on a role, this is a good time to replace the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and test them to make sure they’re working properly. Similarly, fire extinguishers should be checked, and if you don’t have one add it to the shopping list!

Once your current home is in tip-top shape, start planning for your future one! You can call us at 210-494-5400 to set up a free consultation. If you wish to be added to our private email list for our newsletter, please sign up here.



Transform your Home this Summer with these Great Decorating Ideas


No Flames Fireplace

It’s rare, even in winter, that we get a chance to use the fireplace, but there’s zero chance of it for the next several months, so why not add a splash of style and color by filling the space with something eye-catching? We suggest some stunning candles, a piece of artwork, a hunk of coral or a unique precious stone like amethyst – whatever compliments your living room’s color palette.

Bring the Outdoors In

Since it’s too hot to sit outside during much of the day, why not bring elements of nature into your home instead? Brighten up your living space by adding fresh flowers, plants and fresh fruit centerpieces. Not only will it make your home look more inviting, it will also smell delicious! Natural, eco-friendly materials such as hemp and bamboo are another great way to add a little rustic class to your environment.

Dedicated Indoor Bar

If you don’t already have a dedicated bar inside your home, consider creating a space where you can easily whip up your summer cocktails. Get some fun glass jars and fill them with fresh herbs, limes, lemons and any other inviting accoutrements you might throw into a drink. If you really want to impress, experiment with making your own simple syrups and shrubs. It’s a lot easier than you think! Here’s a recipe to get you started:

Pop with Pillows

A simple, inexpensive way to beautify any room is to add some decorative pillows. This summer, try finding pillows with vibrant designs and graphics. If you’re feeling creative, you can even make your own. Graphic outlines are easy enough to block-print onto fabric. When your friends compliment your new pillows, you can make them one or inspire them to make their own.

Brighten Up Tired Furniture

Another easy way to boost your home’s inner beauty is to transform an old chair or side table by spray painting it (with a high-gloss paint) an upbeat summer color like sunshine yellow, grassy green or Texas sky blue. This new lacquered look can be a great accent in any room – be it the bedroom or your home office. Just don’t forget to properly prime the furniture if you’re doing it yourself.

If you would rather have a new home built just for you rather than transforming your old one, please call us at 210-494-5400 for a consultation. If you wish to be added to our private email list for our newsletter, please sign up here.