Tag Archives: woodworker

Fall Inspirations for Your Home

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As the seasons change, so do we cycle through trends and what’s “in fashion,” – more quickly, it seems, than ever before. When it comes to home design, from wall colors to appliances, it’s not as easy or financially realistic as changing out your ties and shoes. Still, there’s something to be said about these fall inspirations… see if any of them stick. Most importantly, however, is that you love it, whether it’s trendy or not!

Create a Tech-Free Zone

Have an unused room or corner space? You can easily create a haven from all the digital madness by creating a cozy nook. All you need is a comfy chair or hammock, some pretty pillows and lacey curtains hung from a faux wooden beam. Add a small bookcase filled with those vintage items (yes, books!), a cool lamp and piece of artwork, and you have yourself a little getaway. Leave your phones at the door.

White is Out; Color is In

Although white will always be a great accent color, all-white, or gray, interiors are fading into the background. This fall, expect to see rich browns, greens, blush and even black. Dark green (we used to call it Hunter Green), is being noted as a popular color choice by trendsetters. When accented with natural wood, leather or brass, it makes for a striking look. Jewel tones, used as accent colors in things like pillows, are also hot right now.

Past & Present

It’s fair to say the future of home décor is eclectic. With so many different eras to choose from, the desire to furnish a home in the same period is considered aesthetically unimaginative, and just isn’t done anymore, according to housebeautiful.com. Instead, people are filling their homes with a mix of old and new – vintage, retro, and modern. The sky’s the limit! They suggest starting with a favorite period of your choice and then working from there. Find yourself a gorgeous vintage armoire, for example, and pair it with a custom-made bed. You can find a handful of very talented woodworkers and metal artists in Texas. Here’s a local metal artist that stands out:  http://www.schroederart.com.

Smart Furniture

While we’re looking for ways to disengage from technology, designers are finding new ways to incorporate it. Keep an eye out for even more clever charging docks – ones that are actually built into the furniture, so you don’t have to have those clunky eyesores in every room. Check out IKEA’s SELJE nightstand, as one “smart” example.

At Stone Creek Custom Homes, our passion is helping our customers define and build their dream homes from the ground, up. Give us a call at 210-494-5400 for a free consultation. You can also fill out our online form to request more information.